Translations Agency

Written translation

A key activity of our office. The translation of printed texts and electronic media on different subjects. For different translations we select translators who specialize in the subject, understand the meaning of the translated text.

Written translation is the most common type of translation services. Translations agency Ekvitas has extensive capabilities of the translations of a variety of texts and documents. We work in a variety of fields: legal, financial, insurance and banking, medicine and pharmaceutics, construction and architecture, logistics, transport, information technology and communications.

Translations agency Ekvitas has a huge experience of the translation of scientific and literary texts, articles, letters, autobiographies, reviews, theses.

For each text we select translators who specialize in this subject, that is, understand the meaning of the translated text. To make a truly professional translation we involve the whole project team, consisting, at least, of the translators, editors, proofreaders and manager coordinating their work.