Translation of promotional products
Adaptation of advertising slogans, advertising texts under linguistic and national peculiarities of the country where this product is going to be sold.
Translation of advertising documents is a very important task. The result of the advertising company and, accordingly, the results of the company directly depend on the quality of translation.
The main feature of the translation of advertising documentation is that you must not only translate the text, but often adapt it to your target audience. It requires translators to implement creative approach, to make full use of his/her knowledge of realities, cultural peculiarities. The advertising often contains neologisms, metaphors, inversion and other literary techniques. Doing translation of promotional materials at the editing stage it is desirable to use the experience of native speakers, as only they can fully adapt the text and create the equivalent in terms of content, style and functionality of the text in the foreign language.
Advertising materials include brochures, flyers, presentation folders, calendars, posters, photos and other materials. It should be noted the translation of promotional documents requires the maximum responsibility and ability to convey the true nature and essence of the idea. The ability to convey key points of advertising to a targeted audience absolutely depends on the quality of the translation.